Your patients need dental implants to replace their missing tooth or to support their unretentive dentures. It is our standard of care. But more often than not, many patients don’t get them because they are too expensive. The solution or answer to that problem is easy…… Make dental implants more affordable. Welcome and thank you for considering to become a member of An Affordable Dental Implant Site TM (AADIS).
At AADIS, we believe that dental implants should be cost effective for you and your patients. Dental implants not only improve smiles and function, but more importantly, they improve people's lives. Dental implants will not only improve your patient’s appearance, but your patients will be able eat better, and it will improve your patients overall health. At An Affordable Dental Implant Site TM, we will show you the ways to make dental implants affordable for you and your patients. It is just a few easy steps to follow and you too can do it.
If you act soon, you can be in first in your area to affiliate with An Affordable Dental Implant Site TM. We are growing in our network of dentists. Each practice is owned and operated by a licensed dentist who shares the same concern for his or her patients and same goal for his or her practice. All of our members want to improve and increase care to their patients but at the same time becoming more productive and profitible.
Once you become a member of AADIS, your practice will receive a package on how to use AADIS to better market your practice in your area. With better dental implant marketing, you will be able to see more patients, therefore, increase the amount of dental implant cases that you can do. Also your practice will be place on our website. If you are the first in your area to become a member, you will be the first on the search list. So when patients in your area look for An Affordable Dental Implant Site TM your practice will be on top of the search list. Our website data search will launch in the near future!
What are you waiting for? Become a member today!